Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh My Goodness!!!

My family is moving to Delaware!!!! Where did that even come from!? Delaware of all places! Oh my word! I think I'm more excited than scared now. When my dad first came home and told us that his old boss offered him a job in Delaware, my first thought was, "Hey thats cool, but yeah right! Delaware? Psshh!" Then they started talking about it being a possibility. I was really scared about it then because all I thought about was how far away that is! Then, my dad sends his resume in and the people pay for my mom and dad to go visit. They come back and say they are feeling good about it, and now that they are home, it is a done deal!!!!! I haven't really freaked out or had a nervous breakdown, which I thought I would, but I think I'm 'calm' about it because they are doing the right thing and I believe they are doing the right thing. Holy Moley! Delaware! Of all places! Those are the same phrases that have been going through my head for the past couple of days. Holy Cow! Delaware! HAHAHA!

My mom sent me pictures the whole time they were there and I think it helped my process from being completely terrified to totally excited!

This is the house she wants. I love it! I think it is so cute and she said it is 4 bedrooms and there is a basement. 3 Story. Holy Cow. And the backyard is literally a lake. HAHA!


jeaniebug said...

DELEWARE! hahaha! LET'S GO! :) Best summer ever!

Meagan said...

It looks like a dollhouse!!! I LOVE it!