Monday, November 3, 2008


Attention all Udall family members! I have an awesome roommate who has an awesome family who play a very awesome game called Nertz! I vote that we adopt this game into our card playing tradition! It is very very fun and competitive! Also, a lot of people can play. I guess it would be for people who don't want to play 10 to 1. So, younger generation family members? Don't get offended, anyone. Also, you use decks of Rook cards so if there are people who think that using face cards is of the devil, you can feel better about that. ? There you go. Lets start a new tradition!


NNA said...
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Tessa said...

You play nertz with rook cards? I have played with face cards never rook cards! SWEET!

Janiel said...

the only thing that is of the devil is you...

MyR said...

Rook cards are OH SO MUCH easier than face cards. I get confused by how they only have two colors and all the pictures. COLORS...NUMBERS...what else do you need?

Cami D. said...

Ha ha I LIKE YOU! Dear all might just fall in love with look out for the flying fist, punching jaws, swearing, giggling, staying up way to late, snacking, addicting game. EVERYONE needs at least 1 deck of Rook cards in their "stuff" collection right?