last night at the Bokinsky's house. It made me even more excited. *big-sigh* Oh, VISA. Why do you have to take so long to travel to a different continent? Still waiting.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I watched this...
Posted by Emily Gordon at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mission Dress #1
My mom and I made this dress. Since no stores want to have dresses that go below your knees AND have sleeves, we have resorted to making my own. And when I say my mom and I, I mean that she sews and I.... pick out the fabric... :)
Posted by Emily Gordon at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Posted by Emily Gordon at 3:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
On August 6th, which was a Saturday, my Mom and I drove to New Jersey to pick up Brian's daughter Riley. She is a doll, to say the least. We then drove to Philly to pick up Brian and Dallin from the airport. Riley lives in NJ with her mom and Brian came to spend a week with her at our house in Delaware. On Wednesday the 10th, me, Mom, and Dallin left at 4am to pick up my friends Jeanie and Larry. It was a grand reunion and we used up our day exploring the historic parts of Philidelphia. I wanted to kick myself when my first thought when we got into Independance Hall was, "Hey, Nicholas Cage was here for National Treasure", instead of, "Wow, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin,..." I don't even like Nicholas Cage! He is ugly and a terrible actor. Anyway, we saw it all. Congress Hall, Liberty Bell, cemetery with some of our founding fathers, and the US Mint. The next day, my Mother and I left our house at 7:30 to make our way to D.C. We drove around the many hills on the Beltway and finally saw the Emerald City, I mean... D.C. Temple sticking way up above the trees. :) It is a very large temple. I think they said one of the largest built. They said even bigger than SLC? I don't know about that... but it was big! We stopped at the distribution center first, on account of it was my first time, and we had 15 minutes to spare by the time we got in for my scheduled 10:30. That's right people, I'm worthy!!! Haha! Not that I gave anyone a reason to think otherwise, but I now know what goes on inside the temple! When people say you don't talk about what goes on inside the temple, they mean you don't talk about what goes on inside the temple! I had so many questions running through my head, but as soon as it was time for me to ask them, I didn't know what I wanted to ask. I think a good diagnosis would be that I was "struck dumb". Well, more-so than normal. :) The best thing though, was that no matter how confused I felt, or how surprised I thought I was, the most overshadowing emotion I felt at that time was peace. Above everything else that I was thinking, I knew that what I had just witnessed was completely true. Even after I went home, I still felt it! It was like, I had my wisdom teeth out again and my dentist gave me an extra prescription for Happy pills. I guess Heavenly Father thought, "Gees, she is thinking way too much about this. She know she can come back whenever she wants and take it all in again, right? *sigh* I'm just going to dump some more 'FeelGood' on her head." That was a good feeling to have the rest of the week with good friends and family surrounding me. I felt so loved and content. The day after the temple, was... a Friday, and we spent the whole day at the beach. Our timing was perfect because the dolphins decided to come out when we got there. There were crabs in the sand where we were swimming and they would go after our toes. I swear I got pinched by a clam or something, because I had a sliver shaped blood blister on my big toe. That night, we walked over to the Hoffman's house and had s'mores around a campfire. The next day, it decided to rain. It was also transfer day, so that meant the main roads would be bumper to bumper with people leaving town from their week long vacation, and people entering town for their week on the beach. So, we pretty much chilled at home til it was time to drive to Philly to drop people off at the airport. It poured clear there. I got to drive the truck with Jeanie and Larry and we just jammed out to "He Is We" and "Hey Monday" all the way there. I felt bad that most of their stay was spent in a car and that we didn't get to see all the places we wanted to, but I'm glad that I have friends that came to support me instead of trying to get all they could out of their plane ticket. Overall, it was a good week.
Posted by Emily Gordon at 4:14 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Dear Sister Gordon,

Posted by Emily Gordon at 6:59 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Office Max
I was at work the other day, and my shift was from 8-4. I am the cashier/front counter person that collects the dimes for copies.... yeah... lame. But today, my first customer was a blond lady who came in with her Starbucks, ready to go. She gave me her flashdrive, picked out the paper she wanted it printed on, and I pushed print. I went to pick up the paper and as I was walking back to give it to her, I saw a cute picture of her holding a baby girl, and the title underneath was "The Day I Died". I guessed from how it was set up that it was the front and back cover for a book. She noticed me looking at her paper and she explained what it was all about. I was very impressed and remembered her name so I could look her up on youtube. This video is of her on some Christian talk show. Skip ahead to 24:30, watch as long as you want, it tells her whole story clear to the end.
Posted by Emily Gordon at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday the 13th...
So, Dallin is gone to Chicago for the summer. :( I'm going to miss my crazy brother. But, on a glass is half full note, he left his roadster bike here for me to use to get to work! If you haven't read my previous post about my skateboard, read it now. I'll wait for you....
Posted by Emily Gordon at 10:41 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Oh, Baby!

Posted by Emily Gordon at 6:58 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Skateboarding to OfficeMax
In case you didn't know already, I got another job at OfficeMax in the Printing section. Now, this is not my idea of an ideal part time job. It is the most boring job I've ever had. Ranging from selling 10 cent copies to laminating 20 papers. Awesome. But, its 2 miles away and I don't have to depend on anyone to get there. I just get my skateboard and I'm off. However. It's an obstacle course on that sidewalk. There are cracks and rocks and crazy twigs. Sprinklers go off all the time. And there are these trees. There is a whole mile that has trees that hang over the sidewalk. They have seeds that fall off all the time. They look like olives. But inside them, are pits or seeds or whatever that are the size of large pebbles. Or small rocks. Whichever is bigger. I skate over them holding my breath. Imagine, if you will, the part on Finding Nemo, where Bruce the giant shark is meandering his way through the mine field that will blow up at any second. I am Bruce in this analogy, winding my way through the mine fields of olive-looking seeds all over the sidewalk. I have flown plenty of times because my wheels hit the seeds and stops the board, but I keep moving. So. The reason for this post. If anyone has a bike that I can use, I will fix it up and make it all nice-like and put it to good use. It will save me about 10 minutes getting to work, and I won't have any battle scars from trekking through the mine fields. I will forever be in your debt. Or, I can buy you Yogurtland and we'll call it even. :)
Posted by Emily Gordon at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Free Day

Posted by Emily Gordon at 10:51 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Posted by Emily Gordon at 7:09 PM 5 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Nike Scottsdale Run Club
Posted by Emily Gordon at 11:17 AM 4 comments